Location: 5601 NE Antioch Road Suite 5 Gladstone, MO 64119 Call: (816) 455-1200


How do you deal with tooth sensitivity?

Have you felt discomfort in your teeth when drinking something cold or eating ice cream this summer? Does it hurt when you brush your teeth or floss? There is no doubt, your symptoms are the reflection of a problem of tooth sensitivity, a temporary pain caused by the...

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Gum Recession – What You Need to Know

Gum recession is another term referring to receding gums. It can be scary for some about getting receding gums, but they can easily be remedied, knowing what causes them in the first place. Below are some of the common causes of gum recession. When you floss or brush...

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The Benefits of Porcelain Veneers

People with great smiles are the most confident ones. They feel good about themselves because they know they have the great smile. Aside from that, having healthy teeth is a big deal for everyone else because that’s an indication that they pay attention to their...

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Great Dental Tips For Students

All year around we all know that students are always busy with exams, project deadlines, and of course their social lives. A student's hectic schedules make them forget all the dental tips that they learned when they were still a child. Growing up, students tend to...

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Dental Implant Care and Maintenance

Dental implants are the next best thing to having strong teeth. They are built to be a cost-efficient and long-lasting replacement for your damaged tooth. There are many advantages to having dental implants such as improved speech and more comfort in eating your...

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