Location: 5601 NE Antioch Road Suite 5 Gladstone, MO 64119 Call: (816) 455-1200


Does Dental Anethesia have side effects?

Dental works involve and require lots of techniques like cutting into the oral tissue or the total extraction of teeth. This type of procedures can be painful, and Gladstone dentist often uses anesthetics to diminish the pain experienced by patients during the...

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Tooth-Friendly Drinks: Sugar-free

Research shows the average American consumes about 22 gram of sugar per day, which is almost double of the recommended daily amount. This is a huge number and what many do not understand is that consuming a lot of sugar does not only affect one's health but also does...

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Healthy Teeth Tips for Holiday

Staying healthy during the holiday is not an easy task – especially with dental. It’s the festive period and sweets tend to be everywhere during this period, with all the card-writing and the present-wrapping. There will be not much time to devote to you and your...

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The Making of Same Day Crowns

Dental problems can sometimes be a nightmare. When the dentist tells the diagnosis that due to severe decay or your broken tooth you need to do a dental crown the first problem that you see is the full schedule and no time for several dental appointments for a crown...

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