Everyone wishes to have white teeth. However, not all of us know how to properly take care of our teeth and prevent them from getting stained. For one, the coffee and soda that you truly love to consume may be the main culprit why you have yellow teeth. Let us discover what the possible results are if the caffeine on teeth stays longer and will not be thoroughly cleansed.
The Caffeine Composition
The crystal stimulants that are in white color which is usually known as caffeine can restore loss alertness of the person, making him/her more awake. This substance is also used in manufactured products such as coffee and other beverages like sodas.
Products And Food That Contains Caffeine
Caffeine on teeth can greatly cause weakening of the enamel, knowing these, it is important that we know which foods or products we should stay away with.
Here are the lists of the products and foods that contain caffeine:
1. Dark Chocolates
These are the favorites of the kids and kids at heart. If you have a sweet tooth, you can minimize the damage it could bring to your teeth by brushing your teeth after eating chocolates.
2. Soft drinks
Sodas like cola also have caffeine content. Most of the sodas and soft drinks in the market are also addictive because of the caffeine that been added to it.
3. Energy Drinks
There are too many energy drinks that you can see in the shop and groceries, but all these are not good for your teeth so keep away from it.
4. Cocoa Mixes
Like chocolates, cocoa mixes also contain caffeine. This is also used in baking cakes and other pastry goods such as cakes and cupcakes.
5. Coffee
This is the number one most common drink every morning. Too much consumption of coffee will not only stain the teeth, but it will also make your body acidic.
The Bad Effect Of Caffeine On Teeth
Besides, the knowing fact that caffeine can badly stain our teeth here are the other bad effects of caffeine on teeth:
1. If one does not strictly follow good oral hygiene, the caffeine will accelerate the formation of tartar on the surface of the teeth.
2. Caffeine-containing food is also acid contributing food. Many dentists had confirmed that the acid that is contributed by these foods is same to the acid you will find in a battery.
3. It weakens the tooth enamel of the teeth, making it more prone to tooth decay since the protective layer of the tooth could no longer resist the acidity they produce in the mouth.
Take Better Step In Taking Care Of The Teeth
We’ve realized that though it already became our favorite habits to drink coffee in the morning to be alert, the caffeine on teeth will cause a stubborn stain that could not easily be removed by brushing the teeth so as much as possible, do not drink coffee or eat foods that have caffeine. If you could not fully commit yourself to abstaining from drinking any sodas and consuming foods that contain high caffeine, you can at least reduce the bad impact of caffeine on the teeth by using whitening toothpaste and going to your dentist for dental cleaning treatment every month.
I can’t live without coffee. Is it true that raw fruits and vegetables, like strawberries and lemons, also contain natural fibers that can help clean your teeth by breaking down bacteria? How can I maintain a healthy and maintain a pearly white teeth while having my coffee?
Thanks for the information! I’m a coffee addict and as I lessen my coffee intake I notice the changes of my teeth. That’s why I do agree with your article.