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Your Teeth-Know It All With This Informative yet Fun List of Facts

Teeth, we all have them, brush and floss them but do you ever stop and wonder about them?
Besides helping us to chew and process food together with the glands in our mouth, they are a vital part and represent a reflection of our overall health status. Reading some interesting and informative fact about human teeth might help you in a better understanding of their function and how to preserve them.

Top Five Facts on How to preserve your teeth for life

1. Brush and floss your teeth daily.

This is the ultimate number one when it comes to protecting and preserving your teeth. Oral hygiene is vital against gum disease and tooth decay therefore brushing and flossing your teeth can help in controlling them. Soft brush and fluoride toothpaste will do the job just right in getting rid of all the food remain, plaque removal and tooth cleaning in general. Regular flossing can help you increase your life expectancy by as much as 6 years!

2. Avoid smoking or any form of tobacco as much as you possibly can.

Statistics prove that being smoker doubles your chances of losing your teeth compared to non-smokers. Other than shortening your life expectancy, smoking also causes obvious changes to your teeth for instance: tooth discoloration, increased risk for cavities, and gum irritation.

3. Wear a mouthguard when playing sports.

If you have an active lifestyle and you do usually enjoy playing basketball, ski or surf, or enjoy riding your bicycle, you should consider getting yourself a customized mouthguard. This way you are reducing your chances to suffer from tooth damage for 60%.

4. Choose smart what are you going to eat.

Try to avoid drinking soft drinks, too much coffee, and tea, drinking red wine, eating too much candy and sweets. Instead try incorporating as much as you possibly can healthy food, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

5. See your dentist regularly.

This will help you in effectively discovering early signs of diseases, tooth decay and help you maintain healthy habits.

Fun facts about your teeth

  •  The top surface is called enamel and it is the hardest part of your entire body.
  •  Your teeth are as unique as your fingerprints. Each and every person has a dental record that can be used as a way to identify someone.
  • On average, a person spends 39 days of brushing their teeth. Imagine, more than a month of brushing your teeth!
  • Serious diseases for example heart diseases, diabetes, and osteoporosis can be linked to inappropriate oral health and hygiene.
  • In a lifetime, your mouth produces enough saliva to fill two swimming pools. Saliva has a vital role in protecting your teeth from bacteria in your mouth and assisting with digestion.
    General facts about your teeth.
  • We are born with only two sets of teeth-baby teeth and permanent ones. Once you have your permanent teeth, make sure you take good care of them.
  • The baby or milk teeth are formed when we are in the womb but they tend to come out when we are between 6-12 months old. With this simple fact about human teeth, we can see how impressive our human body is.
  • We use four different types of teeth to chew on food (canine, premolars, molars, and incisors).


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