Location: 5601 NE Antioch Road Suite 5 Gladstone, MO 64119 Call: (816) 455-1200


All-on-4 dental Implants

Losing teeth can be a traumatizing experience that can potentially change your look and approach to life generally. There are many things that contribute to the loss of teeth including accidental impact, tooth decay, weak teeth, age, gum disease, and other oral health...

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Tips for Teaching Kids to Brush

Kids' oral health is just as important as adults' oral health. It's important to start developing healthy dental habits early to help keep teeth strong and healthy into adulthood. Regular dentist visits help spot potential problems and provide preventative care, like...

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Dental treatment during the pandemic

Dental treatment is a high-risk procedure for both the patient and the dentist in contracting COVID-19. A lot of adjustments have had to be made on how general dental care is given to protect the patient and the dentist from contracting the Coronavirus. WHO and...

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All About Orthodontics

Orthodontics is a form of dentistry that aims at correcting and aligning imperfectly positioned teeth. Malocclusion or imperfect teeth positioning can lead to problems like tooth decay resulting in intense pain that can even radiate through to neck and head, and tooth...

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